
Havercroft, J. (2021). Why is there no just riot theory? British Journal of Political Science DOI: 10.1017/S000712342000085X. (Link, Download)

Boswell, J., Corbett, J. & Havercroft, J. (2020) Politics and Science as a Vocation: Can academics save us from post-truth politics? Political Studies Review. 18(4), 575-590. DOI: 10.1177/1478929919875065 (Link)

Baron, I., Havercroft, J., Kamola, I., Koomen, J. & Prichard, A. (2020) Flipping the Academic Conference, or How We Wrote a Peer-Reviewed Article in a Day. Alternatives. 45(1), 3-19. DOI: 10.1177/0304375419898577. (Link, Download)

Baron, I., Havercroft, J., Kamola, I., Koomen, J., Murphy, J., & Prichard, A. Forthcoming. (2019) Liberal Pacification and the Phenomenology of Violence. International Studies Quarterly. 63(1), 199-212 DOI: 10.1093/isq/sqy060. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J., & Murphy, M. (2018). Is the Tea Party Libertarian, Authoritarian, or Something Else? Social Science Quarterly, 99(3), 1021-1037. DOI: 10.1111/SSQU.12495. (Link, Download)

Dunoff, J., Havercroft, J., Kumm, M., & Wiener, A. Donald Trump as Global Constitutional Breaching Experiment. Global Constitutionalism, 7(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.1017/S2045381718000035. (Download)

Havercroft, J., & Prichard, A. (2017). Anarchy and IR Theory: A Reconsideration. Journal of International Political Theory, 13(3), 252-265. DOI: 10.1177/1755088217719911. (Link, Download)

Duvall, R., & Havercroft, J. (2016). Challenges of an agonistic constructivism for international relations: comments on Antje Wiener’s A Theory of Contestation. Polity, 1-8. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2016). Introduction: Symposium on Antje Wiener’s A Theory of Contestation. Polity, 49(1), 100-108. DOI: 10.1086/689979. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J., & Owen, D. (2016). Soul-blindness, police orders and Black Lives Matter: Wittgenstein, Cavell, and Rancière. Political Theory, 44(6), 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/0090591716657857. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J., Morales, E., (TRANS.), & Luna, I., (TRANS.) (2012). ¿Un tabú en las armas espaciales? un análisis genealógico de la no-proliferación de armas en el espacio. Escenarios XXIII(13). (Download)

Gorton, W., & Havercroft, J. (2012). Using historical simulations to teach political theory. Journal of Political Science Education, 8(1), 50-68. DOI: 10.1080/15512169.2012.641399. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2012). Was Westphalia ‘all that’? Hobbes, Bellarmine, and the norm of non-intervention. Global Constitutionalism, 1(1), 120-140. DOI: 10.1017/S2045381711000104. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2011). Skinner, Wittgenstein and historical method. Paragraph, 34(3), 371-387. DOI: 10.3366/para.2011.0031. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2010). The fickle multitude: Spinoza and the problem of global democracy. Constellations, 17(1), 120-136. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8675.2009.00560.x. (Link, Download)

Duvall, R., & Havercroft, J. (2008). Taking sovereignty out of this world: space weapons and empire of the future. Review of International Studies, 34(4), 755-775. DOI: 10.1017/S0260210508008267. (Link, Download)


Havercroft, J. (Forthcoming). Review Essay. The Injustices of Global Justice Scholarship. European Journal of Political Theory (Link)

Havercroft, J. (2020). Review essay. Rethinking Sovereignty in an Era of Resurgent Nationalism and Populism, Political Theory. 48(2), 378-389. DOI: 10.1177/0090591719900223 (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2018) Review essay. Becoming Who We Are: Politics and Practical Philosophy in the Work of Stanley Cavell, by Andrew Norris. Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 39(2), 565 – 584. DOI: 10.5840/gfpj201839226. (Link)

Havercroft, J. (2017). Book review. Wittgenstein and the Study of Politics, by Michael Temelini. Review of Metaphysics(Download)

Havercroft, J. (2012). Book review. Appeals to interest: language, contestation, and the shaping of political agency, by Dean Mathiowetz. Perspectives on Politics, 10(2), 488-489. DOI: 10.1017/S1537592712000497. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2012). Book review. Terror and territory: the spatial extent of sovereignty, by Stuart Elden. Political Theory, 11(2), e10-e13. DOI: 10.1057/cpt.2010.48. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2010). Book review. Political thought and international relations: variations on a realist theme, by Duncan Bell. Perspectives on Politics, 8(3), 981-982. DOI: 10.1017/S1537592710001891. (Link)

Havercroft, J. (2007). Book review. Just dummies, by John Clearwater. International Journal, 62(4). (Link)

Havercroft, J. (2001). Book review. Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations, by William H. Brenner. Philosophy in Review, 21(6), 404-405. (Link)

Book Chapters

Havercroft, J. (2017). Social Constructivism and International Ethics. In B. Steele, F. Robinson, & E. Heinze (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Ethics and International Relations. Abingdon: Routledge. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2015). An inverted republicanism to resist an inverted totalitarianism: corruption as resistance in HBO’s The Wire. In S. Deylami, & J. Havercroft (Eds.), Everything is Connected: The Politics of HBO’s The Wire.  Abingdon: Routledge. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2014). “Wittgenstein, Ludwig” 6000 word entry for Encyclopedia of Political Thought. In M. Gibbons, D. Coole, E. Ellis, & Kennan Ferguson (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell. (Download)

Duvall, R., & Havercroft, J. (2009). Critical astropolitics. In N. Bormann, & M. Sheehan (Eds.), Securing Outer Space: International Relations Theory and the Politics of Space. Abingdon: Routledge. (Link, Download)

Havercroft, J. (2008). Sovereignty, recognition, and indigenous peoples. In R. M. Price (Ed.), Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Link)

Havercroft, J. (2003). On seeing liberty as. In C. Heyes (Ed.), The Grammar of Politics: Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Link)